Sunday, September 18, 2011

Update on Scoreboard

Been working on my Scoreboard program again today. I worked on adding the code for calculating the batting figures and printing them to a label ona  results screen. I also added in all the bowling text boxes today and made a function today calculate the total overs, maidens, runs and the such. Its also adds these scores to the totals in the results screen when it prints the scores.

Monday, September 12, 2011

VB.NET Update

Today in class I worked on the Cats and Dogs tutorial refining it allowing the users to select their own picture to use as their picture. I also began work on my scoreboard program. This will be a scoreboard for cricket and will start by prompting the user for the name of two teams. It will then allow you to go to either teams scores and in the scoresheets you can input the scores for 11 batters and 11 bowlers. In total each team will have around 143 textboxes and they all have to be named. But after both teams have had their scores input and final screen will show up and on this screen the match results will be displayed schowing who won and by how much, in how many overs and with how many runs/wickets in hands.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Even more VB.NET

Today I have finished the basic world time clock program and have doen one of the extensions to add more time zones. I couldn't get the select from map working however as transperancy isn't working in VB.NET. I also started to work on the Cats and Dogs project. Basically its Noughts and Crosses with Cats and Dogs. I managed to finish the scoring system today and next class I'll start to work on some of the extensions liek a reset button, ongoign score, the ability for users to select their own pictures and the last move problem.

Monday, September 5, 2011

More VB.NET Work

Lately I've been wokring on some of the VB.NET tutorials for VCE IT. I've completed the image browser and the currency converter program is all fully functional now with all the extensions finished. I've ebgun work on the world time clock and have experience some problems with the local time not updating. However witht he use of some IF statements I seem to have fixed this problem. Gonna be hard to code in extra contries though using this current method and I would like to use a more effecient method.